There is a word that I have always liked. The word is PACE. And it tends to present itself quite regularly this time of year, when life amps up a pace, with a pre-Christmas cheer race. Reminding me to pace myself.

And that’s when I link it to another meaning. One I like even more appreciatively. The Italian meaning, albeit pronounced differently, PACE, meaning, PEACE.


Cutting back on complexity, and making it a time of meaningful simplicity, deliberately. And how it feels within. Vibrant. And life affirming.


That’s the Present.


A PEACE PACE. To appreciate the season, whatever the reason.

Scheduling, to take account, and invite in, the loving feeling. That a PACE of PEACE can bring.

Being receptive to the art of slow, contentment, and deliberate savouring of the beauty of a PACE of PEACE. So that the brilliance of love, and what it means, really, sets in.

Fitting PEACE in.

Because waiting for peace, for a later date, is less appealing, than feeling it right here. Leading up to, and throughout, Christmas. Embedding it into the scheme of things. So the wonder of joy moves in, for longevity. An idea worth considering.

Enjoying a PACE of PEACE, internally, with your family, your workplace, and your surroundings, as a possibility. Weaving, rippling, and mirroring it genuinely, for the rest of the year. Creating space for your PACE of PEACE to begin.

If you are finding life somewhat challenging. And wish to create a PACE of PEACE to appreciate the season you are in more completely. Consider inquiring where, in your Mandala of Wholeness, it may be missing. And jot down some ideas on how you can bring it in.

Creating, a PACE of PEACE. In time, heart, mind, and relating. In activity, sociability, and energetically celebrating. Really appreciating, and radiating. Brings a Joy and Bliss worth developing. So that you can carry it wholeheartedly, into a new cycle you are entering.

SaraSwati Shakti

SaraSwati Shakti is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, educator, adviser, and coach with success leading individual, organisational and social change and transformation. She received her graduate Diploma of counselling and Psychotherapy from Jensen Newman Institute and graduate Certificate of Adult Education and Bachelor of Business from University of Technology Sydney. Sara works with professionals to hero their next stage of leadership development, to create more fulfilling lives and vibrant workplaces, and to manage gracefully through a process of successful transition.

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Mandala of Wholeness

SaraSwati Shakti


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