I have been pondering lately, and having discussions broadly, about a topic that has been circulating, as we are nearing the next referendum, and a potential new turning, in history making. A future building opportunity that we are taking.

We are at another crossroads, and another chance, for healing the anima mundi (world soul). At least in our world of terra australis, and it’s wider community. An example we can set for the world stage for indigenous wholeness, healing, and acceptance, of their rich beauty, tapestry, capability, and cultural generosity.

For those of you who know me you will know my own sentiments on these moments momentous. I wrote about a similar theme years ago at another turning point politically, locally, A mandala art story.

This time we have an opportunity, democratically, to create a forward movement legacy.

And while I have been sitting on the fence while I examined every perspective in reflective, before this next referendum, it occurred to me that this is another very important step toward Australia’s Whole Self Sovereignty. Creating our new own royal foundation of equality and inclusion. And I use the word ‘royal’ here progressively, and less traditionally, in it’s larger context  meaning, as magnificence, and dignity.

While the referendum has it’s own parameters of legislative life factors, and realities, for me it forms larger and future considerations and perspectives:

I briefly offer some from my voice of reflective.

  1. Having had a leadership career in the public sector I know that policy is always evolving and that nothing is set in stone. And I sat in the question of the effective of this potential directive. And whether it will have real power at this changing hour. A referendum has a solid component of change at it’s core. Yes means changing the landscape, setting a new soulscape, for embracing our own sovereign nation, that incorporates the voice of our ancient people and land, into the future of an Australian stand. It is one step. One solid step. Not the panacea for all correction, and redress. But the next firm start of a real part of wholeness inclusion. I support it.
  2. As a psychotherapist I know that having a voice is both exciting, and terrifying, and has it’s complications. It can bring up many reactions in the debate that surrounds it. If you have had a lineage or history of oppression, disenfranchisement, belittlement, being a second class citizen, stolen from your homeland and/or family, there may be different reactions in the debate about enactment, ranging between elation and opportunity, to distrust, anxiety, and resistance. If you have learned not to express, due to punishment, or oppression, it may take some real throat and heart trust muscle to practice accepting the process. And if you have had the power to do things without considering other voices previously you may be hesitating if it brings to question the lifestyle with which you have become accustomed, and accepting the unfamiliar. Either way trust building is a given in the process, as the referendum, and potential enactment, take traction. What a beautiful opportunity for cultural wholeness building. I applaud it.
  3. As a citizen it will rightly, again, challenge where we really come from. And call to question who we rely upon. Our people, and own land, or a monarchy, and a foreign land. Australia is a diverse and rich representative, that is lessening rapidly in identity with a foreign monarchy. To be treasured in it’s own diverse origin story. If you talk to young people, as I have, they generally have no affiliation with the monarchy. And see it of  irrelevancy. They do however have a strong affiliation with our first people nation and are more actively encompassing that tradition for their decisions. I venture to say, therefore, that the dissolution with a foreign nation, is just a matter of time, inevitable. And that giving a Voice to our indigenous people gets us better equipped to create our own sovereign royal, when it comes, natural. I embrace it.

No matter where you sit in the debate, that you rightfully, respectfully, and democratically, should take, consider the position that calls to your conscience. And perhaps challenges your perceptions, because all growth comes from stretching former comfort zone muscle tensions.

We have a chance to embrace, a richer, royal, future, of the gifts and treasures of our own people, the voice that they will have in their wholeness and sovereign process, and the consequent wholeness of our land, with your voting stand.

I say Yes. Royal. Wholeness. Process. Progress. Yes.

Stay Blessed.

SaraSwati Shakti

SaraSwati Shakti

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