Working with people in career decision can sometimes involve, what I call, a big-life transition.

Where they find, or decide, that what they have built no longer sufficiently fits the bill, nor adequately fulfils their joy and destiny’s will.

They have come to a turning point.

A chance to consider again the calling of their souls. Defining the elements, of their Loving Psyche development.

They may wish to invest in new areas of an organisation’s values and directions, take greater personal initiative in their own expansion, and/or direct their career with a more positive intention.

An opportunity to act and live a life of deeper or larger reason. Unearthing within them a new Wisdom Season.

A Spring Clean toward WellBeing. Always a good investment!

Maturing into their fuller power, beauty, and joy.

Taking what they have learned, and bringing it together for a better, revitalised purpose to employ.

Deciding what to do, how to act, and what to contribute, for their next significant stint.

Taking stock of where they have been, and what they have achieved, with their accumulated knowledge and skill.

Looking backward in order to move ahead. This time with more love, more heart, and greater inner thrill.

A Joy fill.

That keeps blossoming. Personally, and with the people they are connecting.

Working out how to contribute wholly, satisfyingly, whenever they find themselves reconsidering.

Exploring and expressing a unique interest and joy. And expanding the qualities, skills and connections with those of like heart and mind around them.

Renewed purposeful intention.

A heart that is joyously energetically transmitting. More fully blooming. Wholly holy. Personally. Touching the lives around them more positively.

Living a life of renewed clarity, described so graciously in Siegfried Sassoon’s poetry…

A flower has opened in my heart –

What flower is this, what flower of spring.

What simple, secret thing?

It is the peace that shines apart,

The peace of daybreak skies that bring

Clear song and wild swift wing.

The miracle of clear song, and inward spring, the reason, and wisdom season, that a revitalised career life can bring.

Should you or your organisation need coaching assistance with career life transition decisions, taking consideration of the valuable elements of a clarified mandala of wholeness, feel free to connect with me.

SaraSwati Shakti





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