Sometimes it’s hard to find the energies of love

You’ve just been told you’ve lost your job

Your relationship is newly gone

You’ve lost the house you’ve called your home

You’re pushing through the daily grind

The health you had is now hard won

Pressures are threateningly building up

Your world has turned upside down

You feel alone as you journey on…

Particularly in the energies of now

When all around is shifting ground.

It’s easy to find the feelings of frustration, annoyance, anger, impatience.

Of defeat, despair, and giving up.

It’s hard to find the heart of love. When all you can muster is a breath of trust.

And, sometimes, it only takes, one spark. One spark to rekindle the spirit of love.

One kind word.

One helping hand.

One offer of help.

One change of mind.

To turn you, and your world, around.

To give you what you need. To motivate your will.

To carry you with renewed, patient, thrill.

Each step, each spark, helping you. Stay true. To the reformed, reforged, wholeness that is you.

Love, is all around you, and within you.

Nurture the flame from toughened sinew.

Let it transform you.

Say yes, when someone offers help.

Ask for what you need.

Invest in your wellbeing.

And open your heart, and arms, to receive.


SaraSwati Shakti

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