I have been reviewing a journey with a leadership coachee with whom I have been working. It helped us to recall and appreciate the cycle of her emerging into new vibrancy, and the world she has been recreating. Revisiting, and honouring her process, as a special part of her completion.

The exercise brought me back to a piece I wrote in 2013. I called it Honouring the Betwixt and Between.

The Betwixt and Between. That threshold time, when you have left what is tried and true, and have not yet replaced it with the new. Between an old comfort zone and a newer life you can call your own. That requires patience, appreciation, and reverence, with what is happening to you in the intervening period. The inner and outer process of renewal involving you.

For those of you in that space of Betwixt and Between, needing a fresh perspective, you may find it helpful to read the piece right here…

Honouring the Betwixt and Between

There is a quickening fraternity. People everywhere are transforming, shifting. Appreciating meaning, breathing, feeling. Noticing all the wonders that life offers, believing. That they too are worth a happier, better living. Finding their place of conceiving, a new better world in the making.

Transformation amplifies with every new decision to live a life more passionately authentically. Simple, precious moments that resonate intently and intensely.

And in every transformation there is always a shedding. Of old skin, people, places, things, that no longer fit in.

As new life continues to kick in. A time of Betwixt and Between sets in. The Liminal space of being. Allowing you to make choices of what you will now, in your new paradigm, invite in.

The cycle of renewal always presents endings and beginnings. Honouring the process of dissolving the old, as the new begins.

Each clear, peaceful, passionate choice can bring a dissolution of an old world that you live in. People, places, things, gain different meaning. Progressively letting go, as that which no longer serves your newness recedes, and your new slice of heaven on earth proceeds.

With every new joy, old habits dissolve. New patterns begin. The cycles, and seasons, turn again. And what you love most can move in.

And you begin to better know, appreciate, and cultivate those moments of aliveness, unique within.

Allowing a new barometer and set point of blissfully being.

Bubbling with greater effervescence, peacefulness, passionate patience, as things drop into place, knowing absolutely, unwaveringly, that all is beautiful, all is well, all is as it is meant to be, and life can be blissfully boundlessly soulfully real and free. What a wonderful place to be.

If you would like to assist your people to lead from a place of vibrancy, or take your own journey toward holistic leadership wellbeing, honouring the betwixt and between, you can start with my coaching programs this year.

SaraSwati Shakti


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