This morning, by a river that runs alongside my neighbourhood familiar, I noticed something new. Something irregular.

The river, was absolutely still.

The water was a perfect mirror of the scene above her.

A complete, unadulterated, reflection. No exception.

And it didn’t escape me, that my inner river, was similar. Still. And present. In the moment. Of contentment.

A mirror.

Stillness, within, and without, everywhere, about.

A clean slate, for a new day, as I sat, to contemplate.

And, as I proceeded to walk alongside that lovely, still river, it changed. As I too had changed.

My mind was becoming busier. Passing by, I spoke briefly to people familiar. I made plans in my head for the day, and my week ahead. I noticed old ruminations, entering into the field of stillness, coming into play.

And I noticed the river, had begun to ripple, along with the bustle.

A mirror.

Energy reflecting.

Reinforcing an awareness of how the field of energy moves, and how it runs through, and impacts the world around us too.

Knowing that the ripples inside of us, and those that surround us, can contribute, or get in the way, of a smooth day.

Cultivating stillness can create a peaceful richness, of self awareness, that is valuable for ongoing wellness. And noticing how our inner field changes, and processing that awareness, can generate equilibrium in a personal and a broader way.

Creating the time, to refine the mind, and the emotions, with practices in meditation, mindfulness, and immersion in personal inspirations, can instil prolonged periods of peacefulness that impacts throughout the day.

A lovely lesson, upon reflection.

And a beautiful illustration, as motivation, for creating a peaceful projection, into the world today.

SaraSwati Shakti

SaraSwati Shakti is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, educator, adviser and coach with success leading transformational change. She received her graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy from Jansen Newman Institute, and a Bachelor of Business and graduate Certificate in Adult Education from University of Technology, Sydney.

Copyright. All rights reserved.

First published in lovingpsycheblogspot 2016.

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