Blessings Blooming Blossoms

One of the wonders of Winter is that it gives us time to prepare for a new season of activation. Time to review, and imbue, a more refined element, of development, and what’s important. A time that creates, in the heart hearth, opportunity for consolidation, and...

A Kiss of Bliss

Cultivating joy is a process of happiness in development and actualisation. When I discuss with clients how to cultivate joy, I will sometimes ask them what gave them joy in childhood, and whether they can replay it, for a renewed affect, in adulthood. I rediscovered...

The Beauty Way

There is a wonderful blessing from the Navajo called the Pollen Path. Also known as the Beauty Way. I liken it to the process, and the ending of a journey. Where you are now emerging into a new world that is becoming. Where you can spread your wings into new...

Life’s Spectrum

Many years ago I was asked how I reconcile a combination of positive psychology and depth psychotherapy as part of the preferences of modalities I enjoy using. I found this a curious question as it suggested that I could only operate in one camp, or another. Yet, for...

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