A Kiss of Bliss

Cultivating joy is a process of happiness in development and actualisation. When I discuss with clients how to cultivate joy, I will sometimes ask them what gave them joy in childhood, and whether they can replay it, for a renewed affect, in adulthood. I rediscovered...

The Why of Loving

Love is simply the the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole. These words are attributed to Plato. Plato revered beauty for revealing the mysteries of the soul. And for me that was how I felt when I was working with people. Loving, interested, and amazed at...

Your Story Unfolding

As you deepen further into your unfolding, perhaps having walked through the threshold of a newer world dawning, you may have traversed another gateway from where you have been, to where you are travelling, into the greater wheel of time scheme. Have you been...

Fragrances of Love

Love comes in many fragrances, traditions, relationships and conditions. And to take opportunities to spend some quality time and space, with a grateful pace, for the aroma of love to receive an extra embrace, is a chance for added grace. To appreciate what it is in...

Dreams. And Landscapes

I was inspired to seek, after watching features on the ABC during NAIDOC week, some remnants of memories of a time away, on walkabout, when I visited the centre, of Australia. The spiritual centre. Of Ulura and Kata Tjuta. A beautiful view. It was on my list for many...

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