There is a large liquid amber tree in my front garden. It changes, through seasons, into beautiful multi-hued colour. And with Sydney’s long, hot, Summers, it usually sustains it’s greenery, well into Autumn, for much longer.

Yet this year, unmistakably, it had already shown signs of change appearing much earlier than normally. Autumn leaves, started, in January. Verifying change, and it’s unpredictability, in the times we are undeniably experiencing.

Autumn colours have accelerated. And greener leaves, are holding on, less tenaciously, before they change, their shade, more readily. Perhaps, like we, everything, in it’s nature, is getting accustomed, to changing, and pivoting, more frequently.

And today, on the tree’s topmost crown, the leaves had turned, a golden yellow brown. Already.

Sometimes it’s hard to know, what and when, to let go.

Yet, a time comes, that some things must pass, to make way for new growth. To release, like Autumn leaves, layers of old.

And though there is no fool proof plan for any journey you may be taking. Or project you may be undertaking. Even Autumn’s arrival has been unpredictable in it’s changing!  Yet, what is accelerating, is perhaps a journey worth examining, and defining. How you wish to participate, and create, more consciously, your changing world surroundings.

If leaves represented time, skills, attitudes, thoughts, habits, wishes and dreams, of what is important to you, what would you envision your tree would look like next Spring? What new growth would you like to take hold? .

And what leaves can you let go?

Where can there be some decluttering, of the old. Things that you no longer need, where you can now loosen your hold.

So you may be lighter in your being.

So you may feel the sun shine upon you, what you do, and where, or what, you may next be aspiring to.

So that new growth, unimpeded, may more easily continue, toward your new, emerging, seasonal, arrivals, and renewal.

Where are you willing to start anew? For what you are creating, and curating.

As Autumn starts to display it’s softer palette of multi-coloured hues, consider, like the tree, what solidity you may need. And what, as a necessity, can leave. So you can better, for your future, receive.

And, if you need to uplift your inspiration, for this beautiful new season, please enjoy a short poem, called Awesome Autumn to appreciate the joys your new season can bring.

SaraSwati Shakti

SaraSwati Shakti is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, educator, adviser, and coach with success leading individual, organisational, and social change and transformation. She received her graduate Diploma of Counselling and Psychotherapy from Jansen Newman Institute and graduate Certificate and Bachelor of Business from University of Technology Sydney. Sara works with professionals to hero their next stage of leadership development, to create more fulfilling lives and thriving workplaces, and to manage gracefully through a process of successful transition.

Copyright. All rights reserved.

Autumn Light by SaraSwati Shakti


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