All it takes

Recently I was reminded about a scene in one of my favourite movies. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Where Harrison Ford has to cross a chasm and take a leap of faith. He can’t see the path. But when he throws sand out into the emptiness in front of him, the...

For a new beginning

There is a poem I dearly love. It is by the late John O’Donohue. It is from his book To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings. And it is called For a New Beginning. And every beginning, which naturally follows some form of ending, offers uncertainties,...

Love is my business

What we feel deeply leads us to the lost kingdom of the imagination. That is where we will find the genius of love, the stirred heart, the spark of joy, the flare of the charged imagination, the incandescence of the creative life, the heat from the soul aflame. These...

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