This One Precious Life

How Precious This Life This One Precious Life Your Life My Life Our Life One Life Life How Precious! This One Precious Life May we Appreciate, Participate, Love, And Venerate This One Precious Life May we create Holy Happiness, Blissfulness, Delightfulness, and...

Awesome Autumn

Change always offers us fresh opportunities to live. And one of my favourite types of change is the seasons. Allowing for shifting gears. Staying flexible. Appreciating a new tangible and intangible. New movements of light, colour, temperature and gaze. Entering the...

Honouring the Betwixt and Between

I have been reviewing a journey with a leadership coachee with whom I have been working. It helped us to recall and appreciate the cycle of her emerging into new vibrancy, and the world she has been recreating. Revisiting, and honouring her process, as a special part...

For a new beginning

There is a poem I dearly love. It is by the late John O’Donohue. It is from his book To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings. And it is called For a New Beginning. And every beginning, which naturally follows some form of ending, offers uncertainties,...

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