We’ve arrived. We are here. Momentous cheer.

How refreshing to enter a new energetic sphere. The shifting of the ages continues, clear.

We were in solid lockdown this time last year. So much had transpired, with milestones achieved, as we persevered.

The process of life, and discovery, continues to bring us to consider each new dawn, that beckons, near.

And rather that using the words ‘returning’ to a new normal, it’s probably best to say we’re ‘beginning’ a new cycle. Even the latest HR Daily has reported that people returning to offices are struggling, and feeling fatigue by lunchtime, regularly. New life and workplace strategies are clearly continually necessary.

Because, everything is different. I am different. You are different. We are different. We have witnessed, and experienced, actions and events that have shaken. No mistakin’.

Learning to be in the moment, dealing with what is in front of us. Using skill, love, and positive perseverance, leads into each next moment of transformative occurance.

And of prevalence, has been a new realisation, that has solidified a conviction. That passion, purpose, and holistic wellness, is a worthwhile investment. Because change, and rapid, sometimes unpredictable change, in small and large ways, leads to transformative shifts, on personal and grand scales, and is a regular part of the process, towards relevance, and renewed progress. All of which requires resilience, support and assistance.

As a leader of self and others that is always and increasingly significant.

Life continues to evolve, deeply, and externally. Now more so than previously, in a changing quickening. And it always offers a chance for fine-tuning. What to say yes to, and what to say no to, to create lives improved.

To Live a Life of Love. And Whole Centric. To lead in a world cycle, new.

Choosing values offered in each decision. What’s valuable to you, your leadership intentions, and your enhanced wellness, that will keep you moving in tune with what’s true for your wholeness, and those around you. Choosing the golden nectar of experiences that continues to bring positive progress, resilience, and fulfillment, into full view.

To Live a Life of Love, guiding you, and the people with you, in each now moment of milestones, and improvement.

To Live a Life of Love. An instructive and contemplative poem I wrote a few years ago, just right, to assist in generating a lovingly momentous perpetual now here, new.

To Live a Life of Love

The time has come to refine what it means to live a life of love.

To Live a Life of Love.

Place the words in your heart. And ask your mind. To Listen. There.

Bow your Head to Your Heart. Listen. There.

To Live a Life of Love.

Hear it. Feel it. Heed it. There.

To Live a Life of Love.


And see what happens. As you take care of business. And you go about your day.

To Live a Life of Love.

For You and Your World.

To Live a Life of Love.

What it feels like. What it wakes up.

To Live a Life of Love.

What it looks like. What it shakes up.

To Live a Life of Love.

To Live a Life of Love.

~ SaraSwati Shakti

SaraSwati Shakti provides coaching for professionals experiencing change and transition, and assists them to discover and navigate their path to a more fulfilled and magnificent life. Sara is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, educator, adviser and coach. She holds a Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy from Jansen Newman Institute, and Bachelor of Business and Graduate Certificate in Adult Education from University of Technology Sydney.

To Live a Life of Love by SaraSwati Shakti was first published in Loving Psyche blogspot in 2014, and narrated as a spoken word poem at leadership speaking functions.

Copyright. All rights reserved.




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