HR = Heart Rate

I have always marveled at the acronym, or initialism, HR. That it stands for both Human Resources, and for Heart Rate. Enlightening, isn’t it! Particularly as you align with the idea that it is people that are the life blood of an organisation. They are human....

Fostering Insight

An element that I concentrate on in Leadership and Transition Coaching is the development of insight. An aspect of Awareness that I believe comes at the top of the chain of making good, forward thinking decisions. Both in context of the coachee’s personal...

Presence in Leadership

One of the most significant qualities to cultivate in leadership is presence. A form of engagement with people that builds awareness, and an active ability to get to the core of an issue, a climate, a process, and a relationship. It fosters mutuality, in...

What Leaves?

There is a large liquid amber tree in my front garden. It changes, through seasons, into beautiful multi-hued colour. And with Sydney’s long, hot, Summers, it usually sustains it’s greenery, well into Autumn, for much longer. Yet this year, unmistakably,...

Models and Mystery

Much of the way we operate in the world is invisible. It is internal. The parts that no-body sees. The inner dimensions of intentions, and history. That create our reality. It is our emotions, beliefs, and feelings. And what we tell ourselves about them realistically....

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