by SaraSwati Shakti | Dec 30, 2020 | Change, Development, Purpose, Self-Leadership, Wellbeing
For the beginning of a new year, consider taking the time, to refine…Your Mandala of Wholeness, Wheel of Time. Have you had the chance to rest, be kind, unwind? Let that be the question, and the foundation, for your next level of contemplation. As preparation,...
by SaraSwati Shakti | Mar 16, 2020 | Change, Leadership, Self-Leadership
You may have been feeling into the significance, and the immensity, of the intensity, in the collective around the caronavirus panic, and the next waves of change. And observing your own reactions, and the reactions around you, to the situations we are facing. It is...
by SaraSwati Shakti | Feb 19, 2020 | Career, Change, Self-Leadership
Occasionally I see people requesting me to assist them to manoeuvre through a process of ‘going back’ to a career role at a previous level. Either in their existing company, or with a new organisation, following a redundancy, or voluntarily. Their concern...
by SaraSwati Shakti | May 20, 2019 | Coaching, Leadership, Self-Leadership
Chaos is a ladder. I have borrowed those words from a line in Game of Thrones. If you, like me, have enjoyed it’s evolving story, it has offered rich fodder for observing the games people play, and the character arcs and manoeuvres that follow. And while it is...
by SaraSwati Shakti | Mar 17, 2019 | Career, Leadership, Self-Leadership, Workplace
We have been experiencing many rainy days of late. Which can make it challenging to motivate. Particularly on a Monday, with events that have honed attention, on the world stage. For me my Monday morning included a quick peruse through my LinkedIn news feeds, to tap...
by SaraSwati Shakti | Feb 17, 2019 | Coaching, Development, Leadership, Self-Leadership
I have dipped into a novel again. Yet it is more than just a novel. It speaks to me more deeply. It is by the German Novelist Hermann Hesse (b1877 – d1962) titled Demian. I remember reading The Glass Bead Game/Magister Ludi by the same author when I was a...